University Standards Not Prices

The Alt Marketing Difference

  • Immediate Value: Our students undergo an intensive training, ensuring that by the time they step into your business, they’re not just qualified but are also ready to bring immediate value.
  • Fresh Perspectives: AMS students, with their latest marketing techniques and tools, will infuse your projects with fresh ideas and approaches.
  • Real-life Projects: Theoretical knowledge? Yes. But also, hands-on projects that mirror real business challenges so that students can bring immediate value post-training.
We’re here to help you

Upskill Your Team

Positive impact marketing practices to help you market to your audience’s hearts.  

By partnering with AMS, you’re not just helping foster quality talent; you’re also showcasing your company’s commitment to social responsibility and the development of the future workforce.

8-week certification

Join our online cohort-based marketing qualification for existing and emerging marketers. Tackle some real-life marketing challenges and become an integral part of our curriculum through group projects and a final presentation.

all-day intensive experiences

Provide a deeper learning experience for marketing teams with a selection of curated workshops and a specific group project – test creative ideas and strategies and use the experience to tap into your current obstacles you are facing.

on-demand training

Offer your team access to on-demand learning from our growing course-library to help master essentials skills to accelerate results in less time with trailblazing resources and a motivating community.

Expert Training Workshops

Choose one or more of our marketing sessions, delivered online by leading marketing experts. Each deep dive workshop includes a 60-minute introduction on marketing with impact from head teacher Fab, 2-hour session, a bonus office hour session.

student experiences

Shaping Tomorrow's Marketing Leaders

Get our full training portfolio

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